Dr. Sun Yat-sen Centennial Death Anniversary Symposium
March 12, 1:00pm - 3:30pm
Mānoa Campus, Center for Korean Studies Auditorium
Before Dr. Sun Yan-sen changed China, Hawai‘i changed him. Join us for a special event commemorating the centennial of Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s passing, as we explore the profound influence of Hawai‘i on his revolutionary vision and its pivotal role in shaping modern China. Through engaging discussions and historical insights, we will examine the legacy of the 1911 Revolution and its enduring impact on China and the world.
Event Sponsor
Center for Chinese Studies, Mānoa Campus
More Information
Adriana Choi, 8089568891, choiadri@hawaii.edu
Wednesday, March 12
9:00am |
Ka‘ahele ‘Āina: Exploring Mea Kanu through Scientific & Cultural Inquiry Mānoa Campus, Hawai‘i Hall Lawn - 51²è¹ÝM Campus
10:30am |
SNAP Outreach & Enrollment Clinic Mānoa Campus, Campus Center Courtyard
12:00pm |
Study Abroad Info Meeting - Semester in "Two Italies", Italy Mānoa Campus, Zoom
12:30pm |
Breathe & Reset: Mid-week Meditation Break Mānoa Campus, Webster Hall, Room 112: 2528 McCarthy Mall Honolulu, HI 96822
12:30pm |
Grow Strong, Grow Fast: Performing Music & Knowledge in Yami/Tao Communities Mānoa Campus, Moore Hall 319
1:00pm |
Dr. Sun Yat-sen Centennial Death Anniversary Symposium Mānoa Campus, Center for Korean Studies Auditorium
2:45pm |
Yoga for Academic Wellness Mānoa Campus, Queen LiliÊ»uokalani Center (QLC) #412
3:30pm |
Seminar in Atmospheric Sciences Mānoa Campus, MSB 100 (Marine Sciences Building)
3:30pm |
ORE Seminar: Maker Buoy: Enabling Low-Cost Ocean Monitoring Mānoa Campus, Holmes Hall 247
4:00pm |
Study Abroad Info Meeting - Semester in London, England Mānoa Campus, BusAd C102 and Zoom
4:00pm |
51²è¹Ý Law School Full-Time In-Person JD: Zoom Info Session Mānoa Campus, Zoom
5:00pm |
The Role of Hardware in Responsible AI Governance Mānoa Campus, AgSci 219 or Zoom
5:30pm |
Ke Ao Mau: Mele, Advocacy, and Social Justice Mānoa Campus, Zoom or in person Gartley Hall Rm 103