Jon Moritsugu: Hyperrrrreality

October 27, 2021 - December 9, 2021
Mānoa Campus, Art Building, Commons Gallery

Jon Moritsugu: Hyperrrrreality

(all info is subject to change)

Events & Programs are pending (events are free and open to the public)

Artist Talk:

Wednesday, Nov. 10, 12:00 – 1:15 p.m., Public talk via Zoom. (click on link below for meeting info)

Public performance:

Sunday, November 14, 8:00 – 9:00 p.m., Commons Gallery, 51M

The Commons Gallery, University of Hawai‘i at ԴDz (51M), is pleased to present "Jon Moritsugu: Hyperrrrreality."

The ԴDz-based artist and film director will create an immersive environment, his first exhibition in Hawa 'i (more on this TBA).

Jon Moritsugu (b. 1965) is an American cult underground filmmaker. His movies are satiric, protopunk deconstructions of popular genres and formats; The New York Times describes them as "funny, anarchic, provocative and exhilarating.” His work deals with discrimination against Asian-Americans and the legacy of white supremacy in America. His films have shown in Sundance, Cannes, Berlin, Toronto, Rotterdam, Venice, New York Underground, Chicago Underground, MoMA, Guggenheim, Whitney and numerous other festivals and museums. He lives and works in Manoa. His book "Numbskull Revolution" is forthcoming in 2022.

Exhibition is viewable from outside.

Closed Fridays & Saturdays; Nov. 11, Veterans Day; Nov. 25 & 26, Thanksgiving & non-instructional day

Image: Artwork by Jon Moritsugu. Courtesy of the artist.

Ticket Information
Exhibition is viewable from outside. Admission is free.

Event Sponsor
Art & Art History, Mānoa Campus

More Information
Sharon Tasaka, 808-956-8364,,

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