Brown Bag Biography: Mari Yoshihara

October 24, 12:00pm - 1:15pm
Mānoa Campus, Kuykendall 410

“Dearest Lenny: Letters from Japan and the Making of the World Maestro.” Mari Yoshihara, Dept. of American Studies, 51 Manoa Cosponsored by the Departments of American Studies and Music at 51 Manoa.

Dearest Lenny interweaves the account of Leonard Bernstein’s transformation from an American celebrity to a world maestro with an intimate story of his relationships with two little-known Japanese individuals through personal correspondence. Mari will trace the contours of the book’s narrative, and discuss her research and writing process, from the discovery of the letters in the archives, to meeting the subjects in person, and negotiating their input and her objectives as a scholar and a writer. 

Mari Yoshihara is Professor and Chair of American Studies at 51M and the editor of American Quarterly, the journal of the American Studies Association. Her publications include Embracing the East: White Women and American Orientalism (Oxford, 2003), Musicians from a Different Shore: Asians and Asian Americans in Classical Music (Temple, 2007), Dearest Lenny: Letters from Japan and the Making of the World Maestro (Oxford, 2019), as well as a number of books and essays in Japanese for both academic and general audiences. She is an avid amateur pianist and performs and competes regularly.

Ticket Information
Free and Open to the Public

Event Sponsor
The Center for Biographical Research, the Department of American Studies, and the Department of Music, Mānoa Campus

More Information
Janet Graham, (808) 956-3774,,

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