
Question Sample on testing for Computer Use:   

NOTE: please keep in mind this is just a sample, actual SurveyShare templates use pull down menus, checkboxes and radio buttons for user responses.

1) Do you own a home computer?


2) Do you own a lap top computer?


3) Do you own a handheld computer?


4) What type of home computer do you use?

5) How often do you use your home computer in an average week?

6) For which of the following purposes do you use your home computer? (Check as many as apply)

7) What is the MAIN use of your home computer?

8) What type of internet connection do you use?

9) For what purposes do you connect to the internet? (Check as many as apply)

10) How often do you connect to the internet?

11) For what other purposes do you connect to the internet?

12) What is the MAIN reason you connect to the internet?

13) Are you male or female?


14) What is your age?

15) What is your total household income?

16) What is the highest level of education you have completed?