
51²è¹Ý Account Requirements

Account Eligibility

You must be a faculty, staff, or registered student with University of Hawai'i to obtain a 51²è¹Ý Username. Emerti faculty and 51²è¹Ý affiliates are also allowed. Your 51²è¹Ý Username is your account for the duration of your career at the University of Hawai'i. Please review the table below for examples of eligibility.

Email Account Type Duration of the Account Where We Get the Information
Registered Student Until graduation Student Information System
Faculty/Staff Until termination of employment Office of Human Resources
Emeriti Perpetual, renewable annually by email reminder message President's Office
Affiliate One year, annually renewable upon request Dean or Director
Departmental Account One year, annually renewable upon request Dean or Director
Registered Independent
Organizational (RIO) Account
One year, annually renewable upon request Campus Center

51²è¹Ý Usernames, and services accessed through 51²è¹Ý Usernames, are governed by applicable 51²è¹Ý policies and State laws, including 51²è¹Ý Executive Policy E2.210 and Chapter 708, Hawaii Revised Statutes.

Note for Non-Credit students: Due to the non-automatic creation of 51²è¹Ý Usernames for non-credit students, there will be a nominal assessed fee to create accounts for programs that want their students to have a 51²è¹Ý Username for email or access privileges. Previously, ITS was absorbing the costs, but regrettably now needs to pass on the costs. Fee is set at $10 per 51²è¹Ý Username per academic semester (or equivalent time period). For additional questions, please call the ITS Help Desk, (808) 956-8883 on Oahu or toll free (800) 558-2669 from neighbor islands, and ask to escalate to a staff member.

Username Rules and Guidelines

51²è¹Ý Usernames are used for many University of Hawai'i services including 51²è¹Ý Email. This should be kept in mind when creating the account. The following are rules that constitute a valid 51²è¹Ý Username including Departmental and Registered Independent Organizational (RIO) accounts:

  • A 51²è¹Ý Username will be at least 2 characters and at most 8 characters in length, with at least 2 letter characters.
  • A 51²è¹Ý Username will only consist of number and letter characters, and no special characters.
  • A 51²è¹Ý Username will start with a letter character.
  • A 51²è¹Ý Username will not have the numbers 1, 5, or 0 after letter characters to prevent mistaking those numbers for the letters L, S, or O.
  • A 51²è¹Ý Username will not have numbers between letter characters.

The rules above are in place for all 51²è¹Ý Usernames and must be adhered to. The following rules listed are primarily in place for individual accounts:

  • A 51²è¹Ý Username will be based on the user's legal name as it appears in the University of Hawai'i record.
  • A 51²è¹Ý Username will not contain sensitive personal information including the social security number, or date of birth in part or in whole.
This article is part of the 51²è¹Ý Account Information article.
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Article ID: 1787
Created: Sat, 26 Jan 2019 3:46pm
Modified: Fri, 23 Jul 2021 5:17pm