How Do I Reactivate a Recently Expired Username?
If your 51²è¹Ý Username expired within the past 6 months you can perform a self-service reactivation of your 51²è¹Ý Username.
Go to
Click on “Get a 51²è¹Ý Username!”
On the “Check Status Form”, enter your First Name, Last Name, 51²è¹Ý Number or Social Security Number and Date of Birth and click on “Check Status”
If your 51²è¹Ý username expired within the 6 months, you will be presented with the screen "You have a recently expired 51²è¹Ý Username". If you do not have this option, please contact the ITS Help Desk.
Enter the answers to your two secret questions and click on "Reactivate 51²è¹Ý Username".
On the following page, click on the checkboxes to agree to the policies and enter a new password that meets all requirements, then click on "Activate 51²è¹Ý Username". You should see a page that displays "51²è¹Ý Username Activated".